Dental Veneers
Veneers are strong and durable when bonded to healthy enamel and their resemblance to natural teeth is excellent and virtually undetectable.
Veneers can be applied to one or several teeth for any of the following aesthetic reasons:
- Correct gaps between the teeth
- Correct uneven lengths
- Correct slightly misaligned teeth
- Correct discoloration
- Restore chipped teeth
- Correct teeth that are slightly crooked
- Change the size or shape
While tooth preparation is generally required to restore teeth with porcelain veneers it is much more conservative than full crowns. At Artistic Dental Associates, we do a full Smile Analysis and diagnostic work-up including models, photographs and a wax-up of the planned treatment to ensure the best possible esthetic result and patient/laboratory communication. We utilize only the highest quality dental porcelains and the strongest cements for the most predictable outcome in achieving your goals.
There are several types of veneers:
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are the longest-lasting and most aesthetically-pleasing type of veneer. They are created in a lab to the exact specifications of the dentist and mimic the look of natural enamel, using multiple thin layers of porcelain. The size, color, shape, and fit are fully customized.
Composite Veneers
Made using composite resin, these may be made in the dental office or in a dental lab and are less expensive than porcelain veneers. They can alter the appearance of tooth color, size, or shape and can be an effective solution for less extensive cosmetic improvements. They are fully customized as are the porcelain veneers, but the composite material is somewhat susceptible to staining and does not last as long as porcelain.
Instant Veneers
Prefabricated resin veneers are not customized to the shape and fit of your teeth, although they do come in different sizes and shapes. We do not recommend instant veneers because they do not provide the appearance, quality, or durability of custom veneers.